Our Community Involvement

Giving back to our local community is a priority for us.

By actively participating in local community events, we stay connected to the people who have supported us for over 50 years.

We offer treatment to all wildlife that is bought into Tenterfield Vet Clinic and assist wildlife carers in returning healthy wildlife back their environment in full health.

Pictured: Koala recovering in our clinic after sustaining injuries from local bushfires.


Wildlife Care

Supporting Charities

Tenterfield Veterinary Clinic supports charities such as Animal Welfare League, Lucky Paws Dog Rescue, Maranoa Dog Rescue, RSPCA Outreach group and many others. Through this work we assist with improving animal welfare and assisting with rehoming and rescuing many dogs and cats, giving them a second chance at life :-)

School Work Experience

Clinic Open Days 2016 and 2018

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Tenterfield Veterinary Clinic were only too happy to assist with caring for animals which were evacuated from the bushfires which gripped the region in 2019. On at least 3 weekends the clinic had every pen full, and some larger pens with multiple working dogs. Even a water dragon which had been evacuated was in our care.

“Meanwhile a menagerie of pets displaced by the fire have found a safe haven at Tenterfield Veterinary Clinic after the clinic threw open its doors to help. On Thursday morning the count was five cats, two dogs, 12 hens and a rooster, and one rabbit.”



Bushfire Relief for Pets and Wildlife

Work experience is a huge part of our young citizens’ education process and we enjoy allowing them to gain an insight into the day-to-day workings of our clinic. Previously, we have welcomed work experience students from the areas of Tenterfield, Glen Innes, Stanthorpe, Warwick, Toowoomba, Emmaville, Bonalbo, Woodenbong and Casino.

Veterinarian & Veterinarian Nurse Student Placements

Our staff are proud of their profession and are committed to assisting with fostering the careers of the next generation of veterinary professionals. We are proud to have hosted students from all nearby universities and TAFE colleges.

A fun day at the clinic for the 2016 Pet Picnic raising $168 for the local RSPCA. 2018 saw $500 raised for the neimann-pic foundation (a cause close the heart of our team).

Pink Ribbon Breakfast, 2016

Our Pink Ribbon Breakfast was a huge success with a lovely group of ladies joining us for breakfast to raise $1061 for the Tenterfield Cancer Support Group Inc.

Cup Cake Day for the RSPCA, 2016

Staff members busily baked mass cupcakes for the RSPCA in August 2017, raising $312 and August 2019 raising $455.

Relay for Life, 2016

The staff put their walking shoes on in May for the Relay for Life, raising $1795.20. A great time was had by all and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to our fundraising efforts.

Vets for Local Endurance Rides

Over the years, our vets have dedicated their time to vetting for various local endurance riding clubs and events.

On-call Veterinarian for Sporting Events

Tenterfield Veterinary Clinic always put its hand up to help out at local sporting events, where possible, and have assisted as on-call vets for the Campdraft Club, Pony Club, Show Society and the Sled Dog Challenge.

For over 20 years, we have also provided veterinary supervision for the Deepwater and Texas Races, as these events are unable to proceed without a Veterinarian present.